Sunday, February 7, 2010

Over the hills and far away......


 Walked away from work and off onto the hill on a misty moisty morning. Cold wind and dogs full of delight. Cold, sun veiled in low cloud, wind sharp and biting.

No one about for miles, but then we met Jetske and Sarah on horseback.

Homewards we wandered past the blind eyed windows of the ruined cottages at Maes Y Mynydd, so still, so cold, so full of stories.

Back home again I hung  prints from The Seal Children in The House of Golden Dreams.


  1. I am so impressed by how you find the time to write your blog and illustrate it with images every day, as well as doing everything else in your life! I've managed to write 600 words of my dissertation in three hours today, and have been lured away by cheese on toast, tea and the fact that the dog needs to stretch her legs on the beach. You must be very, very well organised - maybe it's the lists (although I keep lists and still don't have enough time for everything). Winter is particularly challenging - early darkness is not conducive to writing, only reading and sleeping!

  2. How I envie your rugged terrain! It's so wonderful to see these images, like your paintings come to life. Obviously you live your own inspiration...

  3. Well, Lizzie, I get up very early, have no tv and sometimes I don't get anything done. Such a disappointing days work yesterday that I haven't done any so far today. I have thought about it though. But today it was just good to get out and walk.

  4. Ah, yes, television - it can be such a seductive pastime, that begins with 'I only want to watch this one programme' and then turns into a whole evening wasted!

  5. I walk vicariously, along your windswept hills. Then I drive across town to the pool!
    (Beaches all have jellyfish warnings)

  6. I'm puzzled by the interesting coloration on the bay it shaved? I don't think I've ever seen anything like the dark bay on top and the lighter almost strawberry roan on the bottom...especially with such tight, straight lines... Please assuage my curiosity.

  7. The bay horse belongs to a very beautiful woman called Sarah Beynon. There seems to be a fashion for shaving horses here at the moment. Not sure why, but looks good.
    (Sarah is on tv advertising Sky TV, usually seen holding a bug or two because she is an entomologist. Beautiful and very clever. Wonderful combination, though her millipedes scare me!)
