Thursday, November 18, 2010

On the beach this morning.

A curlew, lone and calling across the sea.
Sand patterns drawn by the water.
Sun splintered light, fractured by wind and wave.
A pied oystercatcher with a clown bright beak.
Mirror water showing the sky her beautiful face.


  1. Thank you for your beautiful words and pictures here and in the books I have, you inspire more than you can know.x

  2. Out of my window this afternoon, a grey, grey rain, passing traffic, the rumble of planes taking off from Heathrow and a longing inside me to be in Pembrokeshire again. You have such a way of evoking its moods. I can almost hear that oystercatcher's cry, but only almost....

  3. I am totally enamoured by your owls.

  4. Simply magical ... I love your work! :) Greetings from Spain.

  5. Did you know that Tell Me a Dragon, The Snow Leopard and The Ice Bear are all published in Spanish Amaya? And in Catalan also.
    And thank you. I have done nothing today but draw a naughty dog and run around in circles getting things done that need to be done but not putting marks on paper!

  6. My favorite is the two whippets/greyhounds.

  7. Hello again! Yes, I know. I'm waiting for Santa Claus gave me "The Ice Bear". :)
