Saturday, November 12, 2011

Moving house

We have had a strange relationship over the years. You could call it a love hate one, but really probably more love than hate, though there were those utterly frustrating times. But all good things come to an end. Not sure how to break it to you gently. I will miss you, but it is time to be moving on. I won't bore you or lie to you. I have too much respect for you than to do that. I will simply say that, yes, I have found someone else.
I'm sure you will find someone else who will love you like I did.
And I do want to say thank you. Thank you for all the work you have done for me, all the time we have spent together.
But now it's bye bye blogger and hello WordPress.


  1. Oh how funny, your post drew me in and I thought you had bought a new house! See you at WordPress.

  2. had me worried there for a while :0)

  3. Ditto, I thought you had moved house, but I do think the wordpress site looks fantastic

  4. Thanks. Still got a long way to go with wordpress. Much to learn.

  5. Yes, got me wondering too :) The new blog looks great!

  6. Got my share buttons on the new blog now but I still have 'ugly permalinks' What is a girl to do!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Am still vacillating between your two blogs, depending on which link I click. I find that everyone who jumps from the simple to the more sophisticated meets problems, but I'm sure the change has advantages. As a reader, it's hard to discern, but I shall persevere because I love your work.

  9. Thanks Ann. I will put clearer links from here and from my website. I have neglected these things. Hope that most people are finding their way through to the new.
