2. Address the things on the list from yesterday that were left undone, especially 'paint windows'.
3. Talk to accountant and gather up any further details that are needed in response to yesterdays call from Customs and Revenue VAT office with gentle threat of being visited by VAT inspectors.
4. Get so lost in painting that the day falls by in beautiful colours.
5. Remember to take car to garage for new tires and headlight check! ( How mundane is that!)
Constantly astonished by the things that get in the way of working.
6. Post hare to Iris and books to Jonathan Mayhew.
7. Phone the elusive and wonderful Vivian French and say thank you.
8. Constantly check porch for boxes of flowers!
9. Walk dogs.
10. Sit for a while, covered in a thick blanket of ginger purring fur and read The Horsieman ( and work out whether it is possible to go to Scotland for the launch of Duncan Williams's book of seal stories)
11. Remind people that it is possible to vote for more than one blog (up to three I think) and the cats, having very generously requested that people vote for my blog have noted that I have not returned the favor, so, if you haven't already would you please vote for
The Gingers, at the
Author Blog Awards, otherwise I may find that fur begins to fly here.