Wednesday, September 28, 2011


If all people were born with a finite number of words for their lifetime would we be more careful how we used them? Would quiet people sell some words to writers? Would city traders deal, quietly, in stocks of words, future words? Would some people pile up their words and store them in word banks, passing silently through their lives? Would harsh words be worth more than beautiful words or kind words? And if we ran out of words before we ran out of life, who then would listen?


  1. I quite enjoyed this,, I speak little,, people find me quiet, person of few words,, I prefer to write my words,, I'm quite chatty on paper,,

  2. That is some very interesting, deep thinking. I like it.

  3. Who can say ..but it's a very intriguing thought and one to go away and ponder I shall!

  4. I gift you these words of mine - "What a wonderful idea!"

  5. If I suggest this is a poem rather than a post

    and a beautiful one at that

    I hope you'll not be offended

  6. I would not be at all offended, thank you. I was just musing on what we value as people. Kind words are often worth so much more than money. And i always love the gift of books.

  7. There's an adorable French children's book that asks these questions (and answers them very sweetly). I wish I could remember the name of it!
