Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big moon, little dog

Somehow the space above where I worked seemed like just the right place to put images that I found that I wanted to keep, and contract schedules that I mostly ignore.



  1. Ran across this and knowing your love of hares, thought I'd pass it along, in case you didn't already know of it.

  2. When I had a corner to draw and paint in the walls around me were plasterd with pictures from adverts, magazines and postcards, all there to inspire me. Now I work in the front room and have to balance my materials on the record player (yes, we remember those) next to my drawing board. Why is there never enough room?
    By the way, very fond of your polar bears.

  3. Jackie-I just wanted to let you know that the mugs and Christmas cards I ordered have finally arrived in the states and I am delighted with both-will use the cards as thank you holiday notes-but only to very special individuals!!!! Look forward to next years creations and the possibility that your collabrative mugs might be available this year-please let us know!!
