Monday, August 23, 2010

An even douzen.

Outside rainsong on windows and birdsong mix.
Inside trying to gathered scattered self and direct towards work.
It is time for listing.

1. Make list.
2. Blog, and let the cats blog too, they have been quiet for far too long. At the Imagine Gallery John is working hard on the exhibition and I am so glad to have been introduced to the wonderful work of Amanda Popham.
3. Finish romantic cherry cheetah picture.
4. Draw out balancing cheetah.
5. Work on Mnemosyne and hope that she will give guidance as the goddess of memory and mother of the nine muses.
6. Draw out front cover for Nursery Rhymes as Frankfurt book fair fast approaches and it would be good to have feedback.
7. Finish roughs for rhymes and invoice.
8. Do rough for KNTR calendar piece and start painting it ( this and Alzheimer's poster need to be finished before setting off towards Suffolk.)
9. Find time to ride Uther the Beautiful.
10. Stop time for thought with Hannah Willow's hare oracle.
11. Think about supper, go to the dentist, and remember that it is your daughter's birthday on Wednesday and that it might be nice to get her a present, walk dogs.
12. Find moments in the day that will be busy to sit quietly either in a place where the sun has thrown a pool of warmth, or wrapped in a blanket watching rain slide down glass and read a few pages of The Hummingbird's Daughter.

Is that too ambitious a list? There is no space inside the organisation of time to allow unexpected happenstance.
Outside the window the sheep in the field are smudged by rain, the sky is a bruise, the field is green, and I want more time, peace of heart and peace of mind. 


  1. Your post of today reminds me how last night I dreamed about the beautiful hare oracle - I saw it for the very first time in your blog one week ago !
    You have a wonderful warm workspace that cradles and nourishes the great work.

  2. Thank you for sharing the Oracle with us, Jackie.

  3. What is better than a cheetah with a cherry? TWO cheetahs and TWO cherries!
